How to hide the recipients in Yahoo
Hide the Recipients in Yahoo
At times it is required not to disclose the recipients to anyone. In order to hide the yahoo recipients, you have to follow the instructions which are given below to know about the procedure to get it undisclosed.
First of all, you need to create a list in form of address book named "Undisclosed recipients" in which all the required recipients details are available.
Steps to follow to hide the recipients:
1.You need to select the button 'Contacts' in yahoo mail's
2.Now Click on the Add Contacts.
3.Then type "Undisclosed" under the category First.
4.Then you need to enter "recipients" under the category Last.
5.Now type your Yahoo! email id under the category Email
6.Then click Save button.

To send an email to "undisclosed recipients" in Yahoo! Mail:
You need to press N to get started a new message
You need to Start typing "undisclosed" under the category To:
You need to choose undisclosed recipients from the pre-existed list.
Then click show BCC
You need to enter all required recipients under the category Bcc:
1.Now users can make use of address book group to send multiple people.
2.Keep writing your message in text area till you are done, then click Send.
3.That's it!